Views of Kufstein…

Views of Kufstein…

A couple years ago I took the wonderful vacation to the Swiss Alps in Zermatt. (You can read about it here). This time I encountered very little Naked Sauna Drama, but had a wonderful time nevertheless.

Kufstein is a rather small, but charming city. You should definitely go there with company as there is not much to do when the lights go out. That being said, I was there mostly for skiing and I had a WONDERFUL time. The bus is only 70 cents (!!) and there is a free shuttle that goes straight to “Ski Welt.” I couldn’t be happier with how seamless the logistics for this trip worked out, because sometimes I find arranging transportation stressful. But it was, for the most part, seamless.

Ski Welt was rather affordable, especially when compared to the Alps. I had a complete snowboard rental for two days for 70 Euros, which I was quite happy with. The lifts were a bit pricier, standing at 99 Euros for two days, but we managed to spend around 70 Euros for two days by deciding to ski after 12. The runs were amazing, and I did some of the best snowboarding of my life. It has really inspired me to go to Whistler or Colorado when I’m back and I just had a great time. I feel like I can never go back to East Coast Skiing…

I spent the time with an old friend of mine, Emily. I have to give her props. This girl flew from the USA, into Berlin and rode a train ALL the way to Kufstein, Austria… the SAME Day, only to go skiing the NEXT day. Which, mind you, she has not done since the 7th Grade. I was unsure of how it would go, but she was a pro and we just had a great time.

The funny thing is I do not really have any specific deep stories too tell. All I know is I had a bomb-ass-vacation with a bomb-ass friend. I think my heart needed that at this time and I love that I shared it with her.

Also the Alps were beautiful…

Pictures Below.